Aubrie Reed

Hi, I'm Aubrie- a supporter of moms, homemaker enthusiast, and author of Sweet Moments of Mine.
Welcome to my blog. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m a stay at home mom- the mother of a sweet little boy named Nicolas who was born in February 2016 and a sweet little girl named Eleanor who was born in September 2019. Becoming a mom changed my life in many ways. But specifically, becoming a mother changed my career path and my career goals, and for the first time since having Nicolas I feel clarity about the path I should take concerning my career.
If you’re wondering, before I became a mom I worked in the education field. First I worked as an elementary teacher, then a few years later I went back to school to get my master’s and I became a museum facilitator. I didn’t know it then, but my time as a formal and informal educator laid the stepping stones for my current career goals.
While I’ve always been a very goal oriented person, what I didn’t realize in my days as an educator was the important role that values play in all areas of life including, work, play, family, health, etc. Enter my husband with the recommendation to read The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris.
Oh, did I not mention my husband? Silly me, how could I forget? He’s the best partner ever. He’s the reason I’ve been able to become a stay at home mom, and take this journey of discovery concerning my career. He also helped me get this blog running and off the ground. Love you dearly, Matt. I’ll be downstairs soon.
Back to The Confidence Gap, by Russ Harris: the book that is playing a defining role in my life currently. In it Harris gives guidelines for living a value driven life. He assists his readers in identifying the things that matter the most when it comes to all areas of life, but more pointedly his book helped me to clarify my career values. So what are my top values when it comes to my career, you may ask? I have many, like most people, but my top six career values (listed in no particular order) are:
self development
I hope to capture these values, along with the values in other areas in my life, in my blog and share them with you all. This blog is in many ways my first and most serious attempt to begin a career driven by my values. Yes, this blog is a goal, but more importantly it’s a goal driven by my values, and I have to say, I’m pretty excited to share my ideas with you and hope you’ll find inspiration here.
For those who like to know specifics, Sweet Moments of Mine is a motherhood and lifestyle blog for the homemaker- a space for those who are looking for ideas, tips, and inspiration for running a home, making it beautiful, and momming to the fullest.